Earlier this week we featured two types of materials that will make a beautiful patio. But the list of possible patio materials doesn’t end there. Here are two more popular materials to consider for your backyard patio: Tile – The type of tile used indoors for your kitchen or bathroom is much different from tile used for an outdoor patio. But they can still make a great transition from the outside in. Out tile should be nonporous and able to withstand most sever weather conditions. Tiles can be glazed, but keep in mind these can be very slippery. Unglazed tiles are popular as well.

Brick – One of the most popular building products in the world, patio bricks vary slightly from those used in home building. Like tile, patio bricks should not be porous and should also last in various climates and weather conditions. Although red brick is the most well-known color, patio bricks come in various shades of brown, black and even pinkish tones.

Don’t forget to contact Outdoor Environments to find out what kind of patio foundation materials we have for your outdoor space. You can reach us at 913-897-2706.

Photo courtesy of Outdoor Environments Facebook Gallery