Happy New Year from Outdoor Environments!

It’s been a huge year for outdoor living. Gradually, homeowners are truly starting to treat their outdoor spaces with just as much care and concern about their indoor spaces!

In 2011, some of our blog posts became a hit with our readers. Which ones? Here’s our top 10 most read blog posts of the year!

  1. Make your deck or patio more private
  2. Decorating outdoors: Making the most of what you have
  3. Privacy please
  4. 6 Tips to cleaning your grill
  5. The benefits of a four-season room by Outdoor Environments
  6. Screened-in porches
  7. Seasonal rooms 101
  8. Great outdoor rooms: Three-season vs. four-season
  9. Great outdoor entertaining ideas from CasaSugar
  10. Consider a front yard deck

Check back with us in the New Year for brand new tips, trends and outdoor living ideas for 2012!

Image by Vincenzo Papa on GettyImages.com