From patios and decks to porches and sunrooms, there’s much decorating to be done this season.

But wait! You don’t have to run out and spend hundreds of dollars on new decor. First, take a look around your home. What items can do double duty outside?

Do you have a large collection of magazines or books? Bring them outside to make your outdoor space more of a living space.


Nice place settings were meant to be shown off. Bring decorative plates, bowls, silverware and glasses out for outdoor dining.

Plant lovers tend to keep plants year-round. But spring and summer are the perfect time to bring them outside and add a little (or a lot) of color to your outdoor space.

Pillows are rugs are the easiest way to add a touch of style outside.

Pillows and rugs are also the perfect solutions for adding pops of color.

What other ways can you use what you already have to decorate outside?

Images from BHG