Breakfast nooks inside the home have lost their luster, according to building and remodeling experts. Although these spaces are attractive and add charm, they receive very little attention. This is especially true for busy families who are always on the go. So what kind of space do experts say are more useful?

Outdoor living spaces, of course!

We have more than 20 years of experience building outdoor living rooms all over Kansas City!

Builders say that an increasing number of their projects involve adding sliding glass doors into the backs of houses. This helps to blur the line between indoor and outdoor spaces. Homeowners love the idea of having outdoor living rooms. It allows them to truly reap the benefits of their property without being confined inside the home. By adding an outdoor feature, it can make the house seem larger.

From decks and patios to gazebos and seasonal rooms, Outdoor Environments can bring your outdoor living space to life. If you’re in the Kansas City area, call us today at 913-897-2706 to discuss your options and needs.